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2024-05-20 18:46'An abuse by people supposedly there to care for us'
Victims of the scandal said they had been "gaslit for generations" and felt "vindicated" by the report.
BBC News Health
2024-05-20 18:15Does Legalizing Cannabis Increase Adolescent Use? This Expert Found Mixed Results.
Contrary to expectation, a major study found that weed use among minors was lower in states where the drug was legal.
New York Times - Health
2024-05-20 18:15Does Legalizing Cannabis Increase Adolescent Use?
Contrary to expectation, a major study found that weed use among minors was lower in states where the drug was legal.
New York Times - Health
2024-05-20 17:20Legalized Weed is Landing More Seniors in the E.R.
In Canada, cannabis poisonings rose sharply among people 65 and older after the country legalized the drug, a new study found.
New York Times - Health
2024-05-20 17:00Electric pulses may ease paralysis after broken neck
One patient who lost movement in her hand can now use it to scroll on a smartphone.
BBC News Health
2024-05-20 16:59Why Adult ADHD Is Hard to Diagnose
It’s one of the most common psychiatric disorders in adults. Yet there are no U.S. guidelines for diagnosing and treating patients beyond childhood.
New York Times - Health
2024-05-20 13:30NHS and government covered up infected blood scandal
Those in charge knew the risks meaning patients caught HIV and hepatitis from blood treatments, report finds.
BBC News Health
2024-05-20 11:01Farm Animals Are Hauled All Over the Country. So Are Their Pathogens.
Tens of millions of farm animals cross state lines every year, traveling in cramped, stressful conditions that can facilitate the spread of disease.
New York Times - Health
2024-05-20 10:36Infected blood victims await report into biggest ever NHS treatment disaster
Thousands were infected with HIV and hepatitis C from 1970 to 1991 by contaminated blood products and transfusions.
BBC News Health
2024-05-20 09:18Die Diagnose: Ein Mann kann seit dreißig Jahren den Arm nicht richtig heben – liegt es an der Schulter?
Das Schultergelenk kann viele Probleme haben – doch bei diesem Mann ist es ist keiner der üblichen Verdächtigen. Bis er seinen Arm wieder richtig bewegen kann, vergehen deshalb Jahrzehnte.
2024-05-20 09:02Hilfsmittel: Kniestrümpfe, Spray und Co.: Diese Mittel bieten Schutz vor Zecken
Zwischen März und November ist es wichtig, dass Sie sich und Ihre Kinder vor Zecken schützen, wenn Sie draußen unterwegs sind. Welche Mittel dabei helfen und was Sie sonst noch wissen sollten.
2024-05-19 23:39Inquiry's report into biggest-ever NHS disaster due
More than 30,000 people were infected with HIV and hepatitis C in the infected blood scandal.
BBC News Health
2024-05-19 23:00Mum still feels guilt for son's infected blood death
Martin White died at the age of 33 after being given blood products contaminated with HIV.
BBC News Health
2024-05-19 20:00Essstörung ARFID: Hilfe, mein Kind isst nur Nudeln – steckt mehr dahinter?
Viele Kinder mäkeln mal am Essen herum. Doch bei der Krankheit ARFID nimmt das Problem neue Dimensionen an. Was Eltern zu der wenig bekannten Essstörung wissen müssen.
2024-05-19 02:24Hepatitis C tests spike after blood scandal news
More than 12,000 people asked for tests in England after the BBC found 1,700 cases are undiagnosed.
BBC News Health
2024-05-19 01:05Su and Steve fought for justice, but didn't live to see it
Su Gorman and Steve Dymond helped to expose an NHS scandal - but they died without seeing justice.
BBC News Health
2024-05-18 20:03Selbstversuch: Heilfasten im Alltag – kann das klappen? Autorin Katja Lewina hat es ausprobiert
Katja Lewina hat keine Zeit, um in eine Fastenklinik zu fahren. Darum macht sie ihre erste Heilfastenkur daheim zwischen Kindern und Job. Über Leberwickel, Essensgelüste – und einen überraschenden Lohn.
2024-05-18 20:00Dissoziative Identitätsstörung: "Ich habe mich lange gefragt, ob mein Leben in Ungewissheit nicht leichter gewesen wäre"
Viele Identitäten teilen sich einen Körper. Was nach Science Fiction klingt, ist für einige Menschen Realität, auch für die Bonnies. Sie leiden an einer "Dissoziativen Identitätsstörung". Uns haben vier von ihnen ihre Geschichte erzählt.
2024-05-18 03:29Water firm criticised over 'scary' outbreak
One man describes the condition as "probably the worst ailment" he has had in his adult life.
BBC News Health
2024-05-17 16:09How to Talk About Sex With Your Partner
Many couples find it hard to open up about their intimate lives, but these tips can guide the way.
New York Times - Health

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